

Tokyo – Hino City/Chofu City/Kamagura City

 Hino city: Famous for its Tama Zoo, Hino is also dotted with a series of curious landmarks and history.

Chofu city: just a short train ride west of central Tokyo lies the delightful suburb of Chofu, a treasure trove of family-friendly attractions and outdoor recreation.

Kamagura: Kamakura is a seaside Japanese city just south of Tokyo.

Hijikata Toshio Museum

Type of Establishment: museum

Hours: 12 – 4pm

Est. $: 500 yen

Area: Hino City


Kodai-Jingu Shrine

Type of Establishment: shrine (used in the Tokyo Revengers movies as Toman's base)

Hours: 9am – 3:30pm

Est. $: prayer fee

Area: Fujisawa, Kanagawa


Kitaro Chaya Tea House

Type of Establishment: tea house

Hours: 10-6pm


Est. $: 1000-2000 yen

Area: Chofu


Shinsengumi Hometown Museum

Type of Establishment: museum

Hours: Mon-Fri : 8 :30 – 5pm


Est. $: 200 yen

Area: Shinmei

