About Me


Who are you??


Josée is a simple creature who loves hard and is passionate about all things. She masquerades as an HR Admin at an office while retaining a double major in Comic Book Studies and History. She’s that person with anime and history tattoos and a room full of merch with charms dangling from her phone.

Simply – she’s a fucking nerd

Josée loves bears, anime, manga, Shinsengumi and other things from Japanese History, pretty things, fun things, frankly that catches her attention. She loves stories of all kinds and is always down to learning something new.

Josée’s been wanting to go to Japan since her child eyes fell in love with anime while watching Samurai Pizza Cats and Sailor Moon in 1995, when she was 7 years old. She is now turning 37.

30 fucking years has this dumbass been wanting to go to Japan and never bit the bullet until now.

Well cherished guests – she’s finally fucking doing it.

And no, she won’t be going to fucking Himeji castle, stop fucking telling me to go to Himeji castle!!!!!


Credit for the layout to https://repth.neocities.org/theme
